Kallastein And Kallali
Kallastein and Kallali are two historic farms located on opposite sides of the Lysefjord, carrying an exciting history of settlements along the fjord. Kallastein on the north side and Kallali on the south side constitute valuable cultural landscapes and reminders of lived life and traditions.

Kallastein and Kallali are two historic farms situated on opposite sides of the Lysefjord in Norway. These farms are significant for documenting the settlement history along the fjord and each have a unique and interesting story to tell. The names Kallastein and Kallali derive from the words “to call” or “to shout”, as people in olden days would signal to each other across the fjord to request a boat ride.
Kallastein is located on the north side of the Lysefjord and is an old farm with cherry trees that can be easily seen from the fjord, looking like a serene paradise from afar. The farm dates back to the late 1500s and has a good harbor to the west. It remained operational until 1970 when the last user moved to Lysebotn. Presently, the harbor and farm are in poor condition, and the former cultural landscape is now overgrown. Nonetheless, it still has fascinating stories to tell.
Kallali is situated on the south side of the Lysefjord and has a rich history dating back to the 1600s. These farms form a valuable cultural landscape, and Kallali is a tranquil and small oasis in the midst of the wild fjord landscape. One of the residential houses on Kallali dates back to 1750, making it one of the oldest houses in the Lysefjord. The white-painted houses are clearly visible from the fjord and well-maintained, with several of them being used as holiday homes. Additionally, cabins have been constructed on Kallali, and there is still much activity during the summer months.
Urnes is a headland of large boulders and had been inhabited from 1762 to 1874. The headland was a crofter’s place under Kallali and was where Pilt-Ola’s family lived for several years before settling on Bakken.