Wild camping in the Lysefjord
Lysefjorden Rundt offers one of Norway’s most spectacular hiking experiences. With stunning views, historic mountain farms, and iconic landmarks such as Preikestolen and Kjerag, this hike attracts adventurous hikers from all over the world. For those seeking a complete nature experience, wild camping along the route is a fantastic option.
Right to Roam and Duties
In Norway, the right to roam gives everyone the freedom to explore nature, including camping in uncultivated land (utmark). To understand where you can camp, it’s important to distinguish between uncultivated land (utmark) and cultivated land (innmark):
- Uncultivated Land (Utmark): Areas that are not cultivated or developed, such as forests, mountains, marshes, heaths, waters, and shorelines. Here, you can camp without the landowner’s permission.
- Cultivated Land (Innmark): Areas used for agriculture or other forms of cultivation, including fields, meadows, gardens, farmyards, and plantations. Camping is not allowed in cultivated land without the landowner’s explicit permission.
The right to roam comes with responsibilities to ensure nature is preserved for future generations:
- Respect for Nature: Avoid damaging vegetation and wildlife. Do not take plants or stones, and leave wildlife undisturbed. Do not harm trees when using a hammock.
- Waste: Take all waste with you. Leave no trace.
- Fires: Fires are only allowed when there is no risk of forest fires. From April 15th to September 15th, there is a general fire ban.
- Distance from Dwellings: You must camp at least 150 meters from inhabited houses and cabins without the landowner’s permission.
- Time Limit: You can camp for up to two nights at the same place without the landowner’s permission unless otherwise agreed.
Tips for Wild Camping along Lysefjorden Rundt
- Planning and Equipment: Be aware of where it is legal and safe to camp. Bring a light and sturdy tent, warm sleeping bag, sleeping mat, and cooking equipment. Also pack rain gear, warm clothes, extra food, and water.
- Safety: Inform someone of your plans and bring a map, compass, and a fully charged mobile phone with emergency contacts saved. Register your hike on Lysefjorden 365.
- Campsites: Choose sites near natural water sources. Filter or boil the water, especially in grazing areas. Between Høllesliheia and Preikestolen, water sources are scarce, and along the Preikestolen trail, avoid using creek water due to high visitor numbers.
- Terrain: Look for flat and dry areas not exposed to wind. Use solid tent pegs and guy lines. Camping on Preikestolen itself is not allowed due to safety and high traffic. At Kjerag, suitable campsites are limited; stick to the valleys.
- Environmental Considerations: Take all waste with you. Dig a small hole at least 50 meters from water sources and trails for toilet visits, and cover it after use. Do not leave toilet paper and other hygiene products in nature.
Wild camping along Lysefjorden Rundt can be an unforgettable experience if done responsibly. By following the right to roam and associated responsibilities, along with the practical tips provided here, you can enjoy the stunning nature while helping to preserve it.
Happy hiking and good luck with your wild camping!
Are you planning to hike the Lysefjorden Rundt Trail this year?
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Lysefjord visitor guide
As you experience this majestic landscape, remember that your actions hold the power to protect and celebrate our unique destination for all who follow in your footsteps.